Tonalli 20 Day Sign Guide and Coloring Book , Aztec Coloring book , Mesoamerican Astrology, Mexica

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This Tonalli sign guide and coloring book features all 20 of Day signs you can view the original series that make up the Tonalli.( View the original pieces here)   As well as a brief introduction to the Mexica Number system. Coyolxauhqui or the Aztec Moon Goddess coloring page, and a freestyle coloring page. 
Each Day sign page will feature the day sign, the day sign number, the name of the day sign in English Spanish & Náhuatl.
This Coloring book was created by me as a tool to introduce Mexica Astrology to kids and adults! This sacred information is important we must not forget the information our ancestors left us.
All of the day signs are from a series of paintings I did for an art installation I created .
Each page is 7" wide by 8.5 inches tall. 
Each book is made by hand by me! 
This was from start to finish a great labor of love.

© 2020 XochilXitllali 
Please do not copy or reproduce.